Bolster Pillows: A Guide To Their Uses and Benefits
If you’re looking for something to upgrade your sleep or home décor, then bolster pillows are a great choice. Not only can they spruce up your space, but these wonder-cushions provide a number of practical and supportive uses. Read on to know more about what bolster pillows are and all the benefits they have to offer.
What Are Bolster Pillows?
A bolster pillow is a short, cylindrical pillow that’s usually a little longer than a head pillow, and slightly firmer too. As bolster pillow materials come in all shapes, sizes and colors – it can make a lovely addition to your home décor.
Uses Of Bolster Pillows
Bolster pillows have a variety of uses, both practical and comforting. For starters, they can make a cozy support when lounging or the perfect base for a pile of pillows and blankets on your bed or sofa. Additionally, you can hug it close to your chest to mimic the feeling of cuddling – which has been known to reduce cortisol levels making you feel less stressed. It’s also an ideal option for yoga practitioners as it provides support in challenging poses. Finally, bolster pillows can be used as orthopedic supports by placing them between your knees or even under your lower back or neck when sleeping if it’s small enough.
Benefits of Bolster Pillows
Apart from being incredibly comfortable, bolster pillows have a number of additional benefits. Scientific studies are still lacking on the topic, however, they provide similar functions to orthopedic and body pillows which can help improve shoulder joint, hip joint, and lower back pain symptoms depending on the use. Additionally, bolsters have been proven to offer psychological benefits in the same way that hugging or cuddling does – reducing stress levels and increasing dopamine production. Side sleepers will also benefit as using a bolster pillow could keep them sleeping on their left side for longer – aiding digestion. Finally, bolster pillows can also be used to support your lumbar and cervical curves improving posture-related issues.
Why the Nickname ‘Dutch Wife’?
These pillows have a special nickname in some places – ‘Dutch wife’ – that refers to the traditional Japanese bedding. This mattress was usually made of two pieces of futon, folded and sewn together on three sides, and stuffed with rice straw or wool. The fourth side would be left open to access the filling material when needed, so it resembled a sleeping person with their arms crossed over their chest – like a Dutch wife!
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re looking for an upgrade in your sleep quality, something comforting while lounging around or a practical yoga companion – bolster pillows are one of the best options out there. Not only are they incredibly comfortable, but it has a wide variety of uses and benefits that make them worth investing in. So why not add one to your home décor collection today?
- Bolster pillows are short, cylindrical pillows that are slightly firmer than regular pillows
- They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them a great addition to home décor
- Bolster pillows have several uses, including providing support for lounging, yoga, and sleeping
- They can also reduce stress levels, alleviate pain, aid digestion, and improve posture
- Bolster pillows are sometimes called “Dutch wives” because of their resemblance to traditional Japanese bedding
- Overall, bolster pillows are a comfortable and practical investment for anyone looking to upgrade their sleep or home décor.